Real. Good. Food.

From our little farm, to your happy table.

Our Farming Philosophy

At our family farm, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality, ethically raised pastured pork,

non-GMO chicken, and raw honey.

We believe in sustainable farming practices that prioritize the well-being of our animals, the environment, and our community.

Our Offerings

Pastured Pork.

Pigs were traditionally raised in the
woods. They were never meant to be
raised on concrete, in cages. Our pigs
eat what they find as they dig in the
woods, aerate the soil in the pasture,
and enjoy scraps from the garden and

Just Real. Good. Pork.

Pastured Chicken.

Chickens were born to scratch and
peck, and that’s exactly what they do
at Farm One-Eleven. Our birds roam
on pasture, foraging for bugs and
grubs in the soil. They receive non-
GMO supplemental feed and no
antibiotics or hormones.

Just Real. Good. Chicken.

Happy Tables.

“When my kids saw me cooking bacon recently, they asked me, “Is that bacon from Farm One-Eleven? Because it tastes the best and they treat the pigs the best.” I couldn’t agree more!”


“I love everything about Farm One-Eleven. I feel good about the meat I’m eating and not playing guessing games in the grocery store. I love that it’s grown in Wheeling and that I know the farmers. Thank you, Farm One-Eleven!”
